The Shocking Truth About Microwaves

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      A Microwave oven is mighty handy for boiling a cup of water in a hurry or popping popcorn.  However it might surprise you that the microwave oven is not the only device in your home that uses microwaves.  In this article we’ll talk about some more devices that produce microwaves and some common sense safety precautions.  These devices are your router, your cell phone, wireless communication and entertainment products.  We’ll start with the one everyone knows about.  The microwave oven.  Be sure to read to the end because learning about microwave ovens only lays the foundation for the other more concerning devices we’ll talk about.

Picture of microwave oven.
A microwave oven in use.

What You Should Know about Microwave Ovens.

The first microwave ovens were called Radar Ranges. This is because in 1945 a scientist named Percy Spencer was doing radar research when he walked by a magnetron and it melted a chocolate bar in his pocket. Thus he discovered that the magnetron (used in radar) could be used to cook food too. The name Radar Range was later changed to Microwave Oven for marketing reasons.

Although microwave ovens in general are constructed to be safe to use; there are some thing you should know about microwave ovens and the microwave radiation it uses to cook food.

Microwave ovens only produce microwave (radiation)when the door is closed and the oven is on (cooking). Microwave energy stops when the door is open.

Microwaves bounce around the inside of the oven cooking the food in the process. The “screen” on the door works because the microwaves are larger than the “holes” in the screen.

Microwaves use radio frequency energy to cook food. The frequency is 2.45 GHz. Remember this frequency.

Microwaves are invisible and odorless. It is a type of radio frequency radiation.

Microwave energy cooks the food by exciting the water molecules. It actually causes the water molecules to vibrate. So objects that don’t have water are not affected like a paper cup or a ceramic plate.

The speed at which a microwave can cook the food depends on the power (wattage of the unit). Although a higher wattage unit can cook the food faster; in general microwaves throttle their energy by turning the magnetron either on or off to prevent the food from getting too hot. If you listen to the microwave while it’s cooking you can hear the magnetron turning on and off.

Did you know that 56% of microwave ovens over two years old leak radiation 10% higher than the safety standard allowed by the FDA?

Did you know that there is no safe level of radiation?

The intensity of microwaves decreases dramatically with distance. If you double the distance then the intensity is reduced four fold. Triple the distance and you get 1/9th the power. So with any device that produces microwave energy more distance is better from a safety standpoint.

The FDA limits the amount of microwaves that can leak from an oven throughout its lifetime to 5 milliwatts of microwave radiation per square centimeter at approximately 2” from the oven surface. This limit is below the level known to harm people according to the FDA. Kinda makes you wonder about the criteria they used to determine “harm”. For sure however; levels above this amount may be unhealthy. In reality though there is no safe level of radiation.

In our tests we found most microwave ovens do leak a small amount of radiation and often this is in excess of the FDA limit. Typically leaks occur at or around the door. Leakage can be the result of trapped food particles, wear and tear, rust, or slamming the door. Sometimes only minor adjustments are needed to correct. However; you should not attempt to adjust your microwave yourself. Specialized training is needed.

Blue Palmetto Home Inspection will test permanently installed microwaves for leakage when we do a home inspection. If it leaks or exceeds the FDA limit in an unusual way we’ll let you know. Be aware that not all home inspectors will do this as it goes beyond the standards of practice. In fact this whole discussion about radiation is beyond the standards of practice but I thought it may be of interest to people especially considering the time they spend on these common household devices and the potential health effects.

What can you do to protect yourself?

Have it tested. Repair or replace if necessary. Don’t use a damaged microwave.

Do not lean up against or put your face too close to the door to look at the food while it is cooking. We recommend maintain at least a two foot distance. More distance is better.

Properly maintain your microwave by keeping the area around the door clean. Inspect it occasionally for anything (like rust) which will affect the door seal.

  • Do not use a microwave if the door is damaged in any way or does not latch correctly. Do not allow any object between the oven front and the door.

What are the health consequences of exposure to microwave radiation?

  • Cataracts, eye damage
    * Skin Cancer, painful burns
    * Dizziness and Headaches
    * Blood Disorders
    * Increased Stress
    * Birth Defects in Pregnant Women
    * Central Nervous System Damage
    * Temporary Sterility in Men, Lower sex drive.
    * Cardiovascular Problems
    * Interference with some Pacemakers

The Tools I Use

The microwave oven leak detector I use is a Reed ST-2G Microwave Leakage Detector. It detects leakage from microwave ovens over the FDA limit of 5 mW/cm² at 2 inches away from the oven. It beeps at that limit and is over the limit of the device at 10 mW/cm². It’s a consumer grade product made for general use.

The radio frequency detector I use is a GQ Electronics GQ EMF-390. It’s a consumer grade product made for general use that measures EMF (electromagnetic field), EF (electric field), and RF (radio frequency radiation). These first two are more related to electrical wiring which operates at 60 Hz which is generally not a concern as far as radiation is concerned. For our purposes we’re only concerned with RF radiation. As a general reference the device beeps at measured levels over 10mW/m² indicating that levels over that should be a concern. Levels over 100mW/m² is not recommended for long time stay. Levels over 1000mW/m² they recommend do not stay in that area.  For your reference the higher the frequency the greater the risk to health. Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz).

So in the photos in this article,  when the reading on the the detector is over 10 for RF then the manufacturer of the detector recommends that you need to distance yourself from the device.  Normal reading if you were way out in the country with no cell phone or cell towers close by may be .004. Look at the photos.

RF Radiation Sources Include-

  • Cell phone towers, cell phones, cordless phones, satellite phones and 2 way radios.

  • Radar

  • Microwave ovens (when cooking food).

  • Millimeter wave scanner (a type of full body scanner used for security purposes).

  • WiFi and Bluetooth

  • Broadcast radio and TV signals. Although radio and TV is radio frequency radiation they operate at a much lower frequency than the modern devices we use today that use microwave technology. For your reference FM radio operates at 87.5 MHz to 108 MHz and is considered VHF (very high frequency). AM radio is considered medium wave frequency and operates at 535 kHz to 1700 kHz. Traditional TV broadcast operates at VHS- (54-216 MHz for channels 2-13) and UHF 470-890 MHz for channels 14-83). As an additional note radio and TV signals are only received by our devices by the use of an antenna.

  • Electrical Security Systems.

  • Natural Sources (outer space and the earth itself).

The Router

The router is that device which allows your WiFi devices to connect to the internet wirelessly. The first routers were all the wired type then wireless technology came to the forefront. You can’t beat the ease of wirelessly sending documents to your printer or streaming a movie to your TV set. I know that most people don’t really think much about how these devices work or the health affects of being in close proximity to these devices. However I can assure you they don’t work by magic and there is a consequence to all this convenience.

Placement of the Router in the home.

When I installed my first router years ago the instructions said to place the router at least 5 feet away from people or a work station.  I cringe a little every time I see someone put their router under their computer desk or worse beside their bed!  Sometimes I see both!  One should remember that routers emit radiation (2.45 GHz) and this radiation can penetrate wood, concrete block walls and drywall.  In my tests the router emits as much radiation up close (within a few inches) as a leaky microwave oven does when it’s heating food.  In the case of a router however the emission of microwave energy never stops unless you unplug it.  Also the continuous radiation levels can be quite high in the room that the router is placed. Because of this the router should be put in a room nobody uses as far away from bedrooms or living rooms or kitchens as possible.  We feel it should be at least twenty feet away from wherever people are likely to gather. Maybe even in an attic.  Just buy a long cord and move it.  It’s also a good idea to put the device on an outlet timer.  An outlet timer will automatically turn off power to the unit when you don’t need it. Like when you’re sleeping for instance. In this way you reduce your exposure. These kinds of outlet timers are available online from Amazon for instance.  Another tactic to reduce your exposure is to build a partial faraday box or use some faraday cloth to partially shield areas of the home where less WiFi strength is needed.  I built the one in the picture by using spray adhesive and gluing faraday cloth to an old cardboard box I had laying around.  I left enough room for ventilation of the device.

Cell Phones

By now almost every has a cell phone. What they don’t know is that their phone emits the same frequency as a microwave oven. The difference is the oven is typically 1000 watts and the phone is limited to 1.6 watts. A cell phone however is always emitting radiation. It never stops unless you turn it off. However unlike the router, the radiation coming from the phone seems to pulse. In my tests this pulsing of radiation of the phone at rest is measurable from one to two feet away. Also in my tests the pulsing continues as long as the phone is on, even in airplane mode (on my iPhone). When you use the phone, it powers up considerably especially if you watch a video or use any app which uses your phones location function like a map app. If you have to use a map app set the phone as far away from you as possible. Also turn off WiFi when you leave the house. Not only is leaving WiFi on a security risk but as you drive the phone powers up every time it detects a WiFi. When it passes houses along the road the phone is listening for an open WiFi it can connect to and it powers up increasing your exposure to the radio frequency radiation we’ve been talking about.

Protecting Yourself from Cellphone Radiation

The first step in protecting yourself is being aware of the radiation so you can change your habits. The manufacturers of laptops and cell phones themselves suggest using hands free devices, stands, the speaker phone or wired ear buds. It’s in the legal notices on the phone. I bought a “tenikle” stand that works real well. Here are some other things you can try to limit your radiation exposure.

  • Try not to carry the phone on your body. Will it kill you to go to the bathroom or mailbox without your phone? Really though, don’t carry the phone in your back pocket, front pocket or in direct contact with your body. Well, probably the best most practical place is on a belt holster on your hip but even that is not recommended. If you don’t absolutely have to carry the phone put it on the seat beside you, on a table away from you. Get in the habit of simply not carrying the phone with you unless you have to.
  • Don’t sleep with the phone beside your bed. Put it at least several feet away, preferably in the next room.
  • If you’re driving put it on the seat beside you and turn WiFi off. However remember to turn it back on when you get home. Because in my tests, the WiFi radiation is less intense than cell phone data.
  • Limit your time on the device. Don’t surf the internet or social media on the cell phone. Use a wired computer instead. When calling someone always use the speaker phone option. Use a stand.  Having it on a stand allows you to use your hands to type for instance while still maintaining an adequate distance from the phone. A stand will also allow you to watch a video without holding the phone.
  • Treat your phone like a hot potato. Use it as short of time as possible.
  • Last but not least, just get rid of it;  or use wired solutions for your devices if possible.
  • Don’t forget laptops also emit this radiation so don’t place it on your lap.
  • Public wifi like the big box stores often emit high amounts of radiation. The last time I went to “wally world” I was measuring 200 mW/m² depending on where I stood. Remember the instructions for my device said anything over 100mW/m² to not stay in that area!

Health Consequences of Cell Phone RF Radiation

  • Brain cancer, thyroid cancer or other cancers, tumors.

  • Itching or irritation on the hand that holds the phone.

  • Sleep disorders. Do you know anyone with sleep issues?

  • Irritability.

  • Lower sex drive.

  • Hormonal shifts.

  • Heating of the area where the phone is held.

  • Neurodevelopmental issues.

  • Reproductive harm, especially for pregnant mothers.

  • Cellular stress.

  • Genetic damage.

  • Early dementia.

  • The effects of radio frequency radiation have been observed across a wide range of frequencies (from 800 megahertz to 2.45 gigahertz) in both male and female reproductive systems.

  • There is evidence that cell phone, router radiation also stunts plant growth.

Below is a video of the radiation measurements of a cell phone at rest in WIFI mode (cellular data is higher power).  Note that when you “wake up” or use the phone for any reason, even receiving a text message then the radiation spikes up a lot.

Wired Cordless Phones and Other Devices

Cordless phones emit radiation too.
Wired cordless phones emit radiation too.

The next several devices, wired cordless phones, wireless printers and miscellaneous wireless household devices are supposed to be lower in power (I thought) than cell phones. However that doesn’t seem to be the case. I imagine the radiation emitted differs from device to device.  I have not researched these as much; so the information provided is for your information from my personal experience.

Wired cordless phones/answering machines often have a base unit connected to a telephone cord which serves as the charger and base unit. Often they have a satellite station which you can place in another room. These base units depending on the model work at several frequencies (40mhz, 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz, and 1.9 GHz) The model I have works on 2.4 GHz (same as most WiFi stations) and at rest the radiation can be measured from at least 5 feet away. However, the satellite unit (on my phone) does not seem to emit radiation when it’s not being used.  These wired cordless phones/answering machines have a limited range and are supposed to be lower power.  However in my tests the base unit doesn’t “sleep” like a cell phone when it’s not in use. The radiation being emitted from it was actually quite a bit stronger (5 to 10 times stronger), sometimes more than the cell phone at rest and it appears to be continuous. So you definitely don’t want to sleep or work beside the base station. Since hardly anyone calls me on a landline anymore, and only politicians leave messages I just unplugged mine. One less source of radiation. Note* See the links below for more information about just how much radiation these things produce. You may be surprised.

Don’t forget wireless printers. If you have a wireless printer beside your workstation don’t forget it’s putting out radiation all the time.  If it’s on a shelf near you,  it could be beaming radiation right at your head.  On one of my printers for instance I could measure the radiation from four or five feet away. Since they’re wireless it’s best to move these to another room nobody uses.  Also using an outlet timer on the printer would be a good idea.

Baby Monitors- Baby monitors can use WiFi or Bluetooth technology depending on the brand and model.

Other RF Emitting Devices

Other consumer devices can put out radiation too.  I measured my TV channel device (Ro*u) and it was emitting a lot of radiation even when I wasn’t using it. In fact I could measure the radiation from four or five feet away even with the router off.   So I just unplug it when I’m not using it.  If it’s wireless and transmits a lot of data chances are it emits radiation.  With the prevalence of wireless technology it’s easy to forget a radiation source so be diligent in your search to remove all sources of this radiation.   For those who can afford it I suggesting buying a detector and carry it around with you for a while, in your car, shopping, at home to see which devices are putting out radiation. You might be surprised when the detectors starts beeping crazily.


Bluetooth is short range but also uses 2.45 GHz to transmit information. It is less power and has a limited range. Generally Bluetooth devices have a power density of 100-400 times less than a cellphone. Air pods for instance have a power density of .466 watts/kilogram. In my tests with the devices I have (speaker to phone for instance) it looks like Bluetooth devices are not as much of a concern health wise. The phone however will amp up radiation slightly when in Bluetooth mode. As a personal preference I wouldn’t get between the phone and the device (put the phone on the seat beside you). I have not studied the effects of air pods in the ear but I heard they emit a lot of radiation. You can do your own research on these matters if they concern you. 

As a side note, it’s a good idea to unplug Bluetooth devices you’re not using.  I discovered I have a Bluetooth thumb drive that streams music to my stereo that continuously puts out a bit of radiation when my computer is on. Since I only occasionally actually do this,  I unplugged it. Why have it continuously broadcasting radiation, even if it’s low power?  If you’re not using it then unplug it. One less source of radiation.

Outlet timer example.
Example of Outlet Timer. This one is a bit tricky to program but you only have to do it once. It automatically turns your devices off and on at set times. Like at night when you're sleeping. Why radiate yourself when you're not using the appliances?

About Frequency

The range of human hearing is between 20-20,000 Hz. Dogs can hear between 40hz- 60,000 Hz. This is just what we can hear. The range of frequencies goes far beyond what we can hear. Now, it is known that everything vibrates at its own frequency. Frequency have can a dramatic affect on mood and emotional well being. For instance music can make people happy, sad or add excitement to a movie for instance. Music can also relieve stress or have a calming affect. So what happens if we’re exposed to frequencies which we can’t hear? How does this affect us? Studies have concluded that exposure to VHFS (Very High Frequency Sound) and US (ultra sound) will cause difficulty concentrating and annoyance in test subjects. For perspective ultrasound is measured in mega hertz which is 1000 times lower than giga hertz.  It is now known that exposure to 2.45 GHz increases corticostione levels (a hormone related to stress response). So what are the effects of high corticostione (cortisol) levels in the body?

  • Weight gain and cravings for sugary food.
  • Sleep disturbances.
  • Fatigue and low energy.
  • Poor hair and nail growth.
  • Mood swings, anxiety, excitability and possibly feeling of depression.
  • Cortisol affects nearly every organ system in the body.
  • Inflammation.

So it makes sense to limit your exposure to anything that would increase these levels. If you have children you might want to limit their use of these devices.  There were over 100 studies on WIFI that concluded adverse effects on learning, attention, memory and behavior due to it’s cytotoxic (toxic to cells) behavior.  Another study indicated DNA damage.

My guess is that the most noticeable effect is that it makes people a bit edgy and indifferent.

Remember this same frequency can cook food (but at a much higher power level). Also note that the higher the frequency the greater the risk to your health.  So devices that operate at a higher frequency like millimeter wave (body scanners), radar and X rays are much more hazardous to your health.

5G-  5G also operates at a higher frequency (2.3 to 3.7 GHz) typically.  However 5G frequencies can go much higher in some bands (up to 53 GHZ).   So the lower frequencies travel farther but the higher frequencies can transmit more data faster.  The higher frequencies can also penetrate buildings better.  Since higher frequencies are a greater risk to your health we recommend that for everyday use that this frequency be turned off in settings.  In my (unscientific tests) the device seems to put out more radiation in 5G mode.   Turning this off will also extend your battery life as the device won’t be constantly looking for that 5G tower.  If you really need it (for watching a movie for instance) it can be switched back on in settings to see if that helps.  Remember not to hold the device while watching a movie.  Instead use a stand.


One way to think about all this is that damage from microwave radiation from consumer devices is not like hitting your thumb with a hammer.  The radiation itself is invisible, odorless and tasteless, and it could take years for a symptom to develop.  It’s very nuanced.  If you start to develop symptoms most people may not make a mental connection between the cause (invisible radiation) and the disease;  and I doubt doctors will either.  They might give you something for your symptoms but the exact cause will elude them.  How are they supposed to know you work next to your router?  Should you decide to distance yourself from this radio frequency radiation then the healing process could also be slow and nuanced. Thus pinpointing or proving the exact cause or its remedy more difficult.  One thing is certain is that these devices are likely here to stay especially considering the profit motives of the manufacturers.  We can only hope that they don’t try to increase the frequency that these devices operate on as I suspect that it would have even more negative health consequence than the frequency they operate on now.  Considering the popularity of these devices and how oblivious people seem to be about the adverse health affects of using them I think we’re on the verge of another healthcare crisis.  Likely, doctors will be “baffled”.  It’s up to the people to protect their own health and their family’s health by taking appropriate action. 

So what happens when you start distancing yourself from these devices and limiting your use of them. One person informed me that when he moved his router into the next room it felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Another person said that after they removed most of their unnecessary devices and limited their use of the cellphone to only necessary communication (no social media) that they felt happier and slept better. What is your experience. Let me know in the comment section. Also see the sources list for more information.

Written by Ray Thornburg

Sources and References

Science on Health Effects of Cell Phone and Wireless Radiation – Environmental Health Trust (

Human made electromagnetic fields: Ion forced oscillation and voltage gated ion channel dysfunction, oxidative stress and DNA damage (Review) (

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety: International Scientist Appeal on Electromagnetic Fields & Wireless Technology ( – Home

Effects of very high-frequency sound and ultrasound on humans. Part I: Adverse symptoms after exposure to audible very-high frequency sound | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | AIP Publishing

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety: International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF) (

Is It Dangerous To Sit Near A Wifi Router? – TechSynchron

Biomedicines | Free Full-Text | The Exposure to 2.45 GHz Electromagnetic Radiation Induced Different Cell Responses in Neuron-like Cells and Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (

Biological and pathological effects of 2.45 GHz radiation on cells, fertility, brain, and behavior. –

doi:10.1016/j.yfrne.2007.10.002 (

5 Signs You Have High Cortisol (and what to do about it)– The Physic Garden

Low Cortisol Levels: Causes and Effects | Everlywell

How Much Electromagnetic Radiation Comes From A 2.4 GHz Cordless Phone? [Report] | EMF & RF Testing | Mitigation | Shielding Experts (

Electromagnetic Fields Impact Tree and Plant Growth – Environmental Health Trust (

WiFi May Cause Irreversible Damage to the Brain | Science Times

Does WiFi Affect the Brain? (

Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation on Neurotransmitters in the Brain – PMC (

Exposure to 2.45 GHz electromagnetic fields elicits an HSP-related stress response in rat hippocampus – ScienceDirect

Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health – ScienceDirect

Biological and pathological effects of 2.45 GHz radiation on cells, fertility, brain, and behavior. –

Biomedicines | Free Full-Text | The Exposure to 2.45 GHz Electromagnetic Radiation Induced Different Cell Responses in Neuron-like Cells and Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells ( 

How Much Electromagnetic Radiation Comes From A 2.4 GHz Cordless Phone? [Report] | EMF & RF Testing | Mitigation | Shielding Experts (

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