Inspection Pricing
Comparing Prices? Remember not all home inspectors or their reports are equal. A good home inspection takes time and becoming an experienced home inspector also takes time. An experienced home inspector can save you a lot of money when you buy your new home. I know of several cases where the buyer saved 100 times the cost of the inspection. Although this isn’t typical; it is typical you’ll save way more than the price of the inspection. One customer told me I saved her life! You’ll want someone that knows what they’re looking at. Choose experience!
Every home is different so there are a lot of variables to consider when quoting a home inspection price. Distance traveled, condition of property, age of home and certain features of the home (like a crawlspace) or an extra kitchen for instance can all be factors in determining a price. So you’ll have to call us anyway so we can account for anything unusual. However below is a general guide we use to determine inspection pricing on the typical home.
- Up to 1500 sq. ft. is $325.00.
- 1500 -2000 sq. ft. is $350.00.
- 2000 -2500 sq. ft. is $375.00.
- 2500 -3000 sq. ft. is $400.00.
- 3000 -3500 sq. ft. is $425.00
- Over 3500 sq. ft. call us.
- Crawlspace only $225.00
- Pre- drywall inspection up to 3500 sf is $260.00.
- Add $50 -$75.00 if there is a crawlspace of average size.
- Re-inspection or follow up inspection starts at $100.00 minimum. (varies according to the number of items to be re-inspected.
To figure your square footage include the heated areas (usually the advertised sq. ft.) and the unheated areas covered by a roof like porches, carports, garages. Also add in the sq. ft. of attached decks you want inspected.
If the home is older (over 40 years), has detached buildings, wells or unusual features call me at 843-608-5851 or my cell at 843-934-3045. You can also fill out our contact form and we’ll get back in touch with you.
- We offer lab analysis of well water (some lenders require this).
- We offer lab analysis of mold samples if this is a concern for you.
- We make it easy for our out of town customers.